This past week, I spent 4 days in Florida with a bunch of worship leaders from the denomination. I was looking forward to spending time with like minded guys and finding time for quiet renewal while there. I found both during my time there. Although at times I felt as though I wasn't talented enough to be a part of the group, I also remembered that God has equipped me with certain gifts and talents that are unique to me and how I use them. It was inspiring to be around such talent and to see that talent used and crafted as we spent time in the recording studio of Holly Hill UB Church writing a song together.
The premise of the song is this. We serve a MIGHTY King. A God who is worthy of our praise and a God that is so very powerful that at his word the stars and universe came into existence. I stood at the edge of the ocean many times that week and marveled at the fact that God gave the ocean limits and told it where to stop. I stood there watching the waves with mighty power and force come crashing up on the sand only to hit that barrier of God's limits, and then slowly retreat back to where they came from. Over and over again, I saw this evidence of God's power and strength. We are Sons of a Mighty God, we are heirs with Christ and I am excited about being able to sing about it.
Our time together ended with communion, although not of the normal flow. We each took time serving the person to our right, speaking truth into their lives, speaking blessings over their ministry and then giving the elements. As we went around the circle, it was a blessing to hear the prayers and truth being spoken. We concluded down on the beach, praying and singing together enjoying God's creation as we felt the surf in the air and watched a lightening storm out at sea, yet another powerful reminder of our powerful Creator!
I will leave you with this:
"The Power of God"
Like a monument they stand
The cloudy sky, the mountain land.
The very fact that they exist
Declares that all the earth is His.
And so the voice of lightening speaks
His mighty power with every streak
While thunder echoes through the hills
In pure obedience to His will.
For who dares turn against the face
Of one who's hung the stars in place
Or who can stand against the might
Of one who's voice created light,
Who separated land and sea,
By simply willing it to be...
(N. Gonzalez, 2011)