We recently took the boys to apply for their passports and just received them in the mail a week or so ago. As I put them away in the safe, I realized that God is working in our families life in ways that we don't know yet. As I stuck the little blue books in their place, for me it reminded me once again that Lisa and I have an amazing opportunity to show the boys what it is like to be the hands and feet of God in a tangible way.

A smile comes to my face as I think about the day Lisa and the boys will meet our sponsor child. I can't wait for them to see his smile and be able to give him a hug and tell him that we are praying for him, and that we want him to know Jesus like we do. It blows my mind to think that God has given my family the chance to change lives in another country as well as here.
Here in a few short weeks, we will be joining many others for the Great American Clean-up here in town. It will give our family a chance to not only help clean up our city and make it a nicer place to live, it will give an opportunity to explain to them the kinds of things we will be doing in Nicaragua, although nothing will compare to the feeling of bringing hope and love to a community of people that need lots of it.
Please continue to keep our family in your prayers and thoughts as August draws near. It seems as though a lot has to happen between now and then, but God is BIG and God is GOOD, and I believe when He calls He also provides.
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