Today was a special day, a day I had been waiting for since I knew the family would be coming down to Nicaragua. Today was the day we all got to spend time with our sponsor child "J". We started the day out planting lemon and orange trees again in the community and spending time getting to know the people of El Porviner and praying for them. Then we headed to the school for lunch where we spent time with the kids again, playing games and teaching and singing songs. Then it was time.

We loaded up in the van and headed for Ameya where he lives. As we drove through the community, I showed the boys and Lisa where I spent my time last September while I was here, and saw a few familiar faces as well. Soon we pulled up to "J's" house, and nervously got out and walked up to the fence where we were greeted by he and his mother.

Smiles spread across faces as we saw each other and gave hugs to his mom, then J jumped into my arms and gave me a huge hug. It was so neat to see his excitement to have us there and to now that he had not forgotten me. We sat down in a circle and began to talk and introduce him to my family. He'd asked questions of my family and mine his. We shared a gift with him that FH put together. a blanket, some hot chocolate drink, some tooth brushes and a picture album that Lisa had put together as well. He flipped through pictures pointing and laughing, and enjoying the gift.

We spent some time praying for the family, as there is some illness with the boys that is keeping them out of school, and also for steady work for J's father. Then it was time to go for the other home visit with the other part of our team, but because we were just going down the road, his mother let him come with us, so we could spend some more time together.

Our boys had a blast getting to know J, and to see just how well he fit into our family. They spent time giving pigback rides, wrestling, playing tag and tickling. There are many days I wish we could bring him home with us, but I know that isn't what is best for him. He is such a good little boy and a huge help to his mother when papa is away working.

Our time with J and his family was brief, not near enough time for my family to get to know him like I did last year, but who knows, maybe God will allow us the opportunity to visit him again. As we said our goodbyes we hugged and gave high fives and watched him walk down the road toward home. We found out later that as he walked away, he began to cry because he didn't want us to leave. Well that's pretty much how I feel about it too!

Our work here in these communities is only beginning. There are many more children and families that need support and the love of people who care. Lisa told me she already knows who our next sponsor child is, and luckily I will get a chance to get to know him better tomorrow.
Thank you for sharing your experiences!