Monday, March 21, 2011

4 Days And Counting

Counting down seems to be the worst part. Sunday 14 of our group left for the airport to head out early to do a little scuba diving and exploring before we start the learning portion of the trip. Meanwhile the rest of us are finishing out the week working, packing, fretting that we will forget something. I am cramming trying to get 4 weeks worth of homework done in 2 so that I can go homework free. Tonight while I write this, I have two papers, one power point and one discussion post to go and I will have reached my goal.
I am starting to get nervous, not because I fear anything on the trip, just the anxious feeling you get before you go to an amusement park or down a black diamond while skiing.

I finally received our filters for the camera so we are all set to take great pictures to share with everyone while we are there. Also just a warning, my blog posts may be a bit long as my professor has allowed me to skip some discussion postings that week and replace it with a journal of our trip, so I will most likely log everything here and just us it when it we get back.

I appreciate all the prayers that are being offered on our behalf, and I especially appreciate all the friends and family that will be helping take care of the boys while we are gone. Surprisingly enough, that is the one thing I am the least worried about. We have great people willing to care for the kids while we are gone which means one less thing I have to worry about. Ha I may actually worry more about those watching the boys than the boys themselves.......

Well my next post should be coming to you from Tel Aviv, Israel, or somewhere there abouts. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Have a wonderful, blessed trip. I am so excited for you and Lisa to get to go. Enjoy!
