Well the time is drawing closer when Lisa and I will have the opportunity to take the boys on a missions trip, just about 4 weeks now. We are getting excited as the time gets closer and as we start to make our final preparations for our time there. VBS and craft planning are in the works, and final fund raising is happening. We have been very blessed with people who have helped to support us financially and through prayer for this trip, and although we are still about $1,500 short of our goal, and am so thankful for the $4,500 that God's people have so generously given to us. Large gifts, small gifts and everything in between, it has been neat to watch God provide.

Lisa has started some small fund raisers that the boys have been able to get involved with, so they can have a part in raising support for their time there as well. Just a few nights ago, they were busy in the kitchen making brownies and cookies for a bake sale, so they all got a little flour on their clothes. Tyler took it upon himself to make labels for the packages of baked goods. He spent almost two hours playing with ideas on the computer, and the final result was pretty amazing if I do say so myself. It was completely his design and I'm pretty proud of him for it.
We still appreciate you keeping us in prayer as the clock ticks down and while we are there also. I think the boys are really going to enjoy their time with our sponsor child and visa-a-versa. I am excited for Lisa to meet him and his parents, and to begin building that relationship with them.
We are still trying to close the gap on the final $1500 for the trip, so if God's prompts you to help support us in this mission, we won't turn you down. :-) Blessings to you and thank you for following us as we hopefully change lives and have ours changed as in the process.
The Kuntz's